Official Website of Katie Novak
An odd ball that sees the world very differently. Katie Novak is mostly a fantasy writer that dabbles in horror, fanfiction, and modern stories.

Katie Novak aka (Koi Moon) has always been passionate about writing and storytelling. She describes herself as an oddball that looks at the world differently. She's married to a loving and supporting husband that helps take care of their trouble maker Shiba Inu called Koi.

Why Koi Moon
I choose Koi Moon because when I first started posting my work, I wanted to use a pen name. I choose the name because I was a big fan of Japanese culture, so Koi is a Japanese fish and I read somewhere that they are known for good luck. So for the word moon. To be honest I love anything involving the moon. (You'll see it some of my work.)
Water Of Ruins
A world where the ability to use elements has separate people into kingdoms and where the non-users are looked down upon and do the dirty work. A young woman and put in the middle of the two-element war. The question is will she burn or drown?